Wine With a View is very proud to announce that our beautiful hometown Lisbon has won the title of European Green Capital 2020. More than 30 European cities were nominated, but it was Portugal’s capital that emerged victorious. It is the first time ever that a capital city in southern Europe has won this title.

Climate change, over- consumption, plastic waste and biodiversity loss are huge threats to our future and we are very happy to know that we live in a city that is fighting for a better world!
This award is the recognition of the work that Lisboa has been developing over the past decade towards a more efficient, greener and more people-friendly city, demonstrating that sustainability and economic growth go hand in hand.

Lisbon is particularly strong in the field of sustainable land use, sustainable urban mobility with measures to restrict car use and prioritise cycling, public transport, and walking: 93.3% of Lisbon’s inhabitants live within 300m of a frequent public transport service. In 2017 Lisbon launched a bike-sharing scheme, with electric bikes comprising two thirds of the fleet to encourage cycling in the hillier parts of the city and it has one of the world’s largest networks of electric vehicle charging points, while 39% of the municipal car fleet is electric.

Other reasons for winning the award were the green growth (76% of people in Lisbon live within 300m of green urban areas), eco innovation, climate change adaptation and waste. Lisbon was the first European capital to sign the New Covenant of Mayors for Climate Change and Energy in 2016, after achieving a 50% reduction in C02 emissions (2002-14); reducing energy consumption by 23% and water consumption by 17% from 2007 to 2013.

And here at Wine With a View we do our best to contribute to this amazing outcome! Over 95% of our waste is the glass our wine bottles are made of and we recycle them in two ways: using them for beautiful and creative decorations at the office, the trucks or at our bespoke events; and bringing them to the ecopoints our city offers to recycle the glass.

Also the corks are recycled and this year, Wine With a View is going to support the project Green Cork, which collects the corks and whose goal is to join the social and cultural component of the preservation of the environment.
To try to reduce plastic use as much as possible, our gift bags are made of paper!

Apart from that, to keep our wines cool and refreshing, or to light our romantic lights in the evening we obviously need energy and a gas-run generator, with its noise and environmental pollution, was no option for us. So we found a more ecological solution to reduce our environmental footprint: all our electronics are powered with am electric rechargeable battery! And to save energy, the trucks are lined with natural cork, that is not only pretty but also isolates the refridgerator, for the wines to stay cool.

In addition, our beautiful souvenir glasses we are so proud of, are made in Portugal and aren’t made of glass to prevent any cutting accidents. Their unbreakable material is recyclable, but more importantly reusable for many unforgettable Wine With a View moments, at the beach, the pool, mountains, boats, picnics… contributing to combat plastic waste and fight for a more sustainable world!

And this hasn’t gone unnoticed: this guest rewarded our efforts with this great post on her Instagram page: We couldn’t be prouder!

And because we strive to keep improving every day, stay tuned to find out about our new menu, including biological and natural wines!
This being said, we will do everything we can to keep our world as beautiful as it is. Afterall, this is the only planet with wine! Cheers!
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