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Win(e)ter-Wonderland - Christmas wine traditions

It’s Christmas time! And that means, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! When the days get shorter and the weather colder, what’s better than getting cozy, light some candles and sip some nice wine to warm up? Nothing? We think so, too! The festive season is full of traditions and wine has always played a key role in many countries’ Christmas preparation rituals. Here is a list of different wine related customs for the holy holiday! Grab your own favorite winter wine, sit back and get inspired to try something new; or even to travel to experience some of these delicious beverages in this year’s merry season! Tell me what you’re drinking – I tell you where you’re...

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Traditions: Água-Pé

The água-pé is a typical Portuguese wine-like beverage that is traditionally served, along with chestnuts, on the Saint Martin’s day on the 11th November. The legend tells that, when the young Saint Martin (São Martinho in Portuguese) found a freezing homeless person, he promptly cut his cape in half and gave it you the man to warm him up. To celebrate this gesture, God created the brief Saint Martin’s summer every year around that day. And it is exactly in that short break of the cold autumn that the wine of that year’s harvest was ready to be opened. In Portuguese, there are even some popular sayings about this phenomenon: “No São Martinho, vai à adega e abre o vinho”...

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Events/Eventos: Weddingday!

September 9th, 2017 was a very special day for our little Wine With a View truck! On that lovely Saturday, it dressed up elegantly and made its way to Braga for a unique view: the beautiful bride Joana and her newlywed husband Tiago! O dia 9 de setembro de 2017 foi um dia muito especial para a nossa pequena mota Wine With a View! Nesse lindo sábado, vestiu-se de forma elegante e foi rumo a Braga para admirar uma vista única: os recém-casados, Joana e Tiago!           The happy pair exchanged their wedding vows and then, for the first time as a freshly married couple, led their families and friends to their reception in an enchanting outdoor...

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