Wine With a View — castelodesãojorge RSS

Events/Eventos: Proposal!

Thursday, the 30th of November, will always stay in Inês and João’s memory! It was definitely one of their most special moments as a couple, and Wine With a View had the pleasure to be present on this beautiful day. Quinta-feira, dia 30 de novembro, irá para sempre ficar na memória de Inês e João! Foi definitivamente um dos seus momentos mais especiais enquanto casal, e a Wine With a View teve o grande prazer de estar presente neste lindo dia. João wanted everything to be just perfect, and so he chose Wine With a View to help him organize the day of the most important question he has ever asked. He had discovered the Wine With a View team,...

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Events/Eventos: Harvard European Club Meeting

In the exceptionally mild and sunny beginning of October in Lisbon, an international Harvard Club delegation gathered together for their annual alumni meeting, which took place on a Saturday evening at the Castelo de São Jorge. To welcome the approximately 80 leaders of several European and American Harvard Clubs, Wine with a View organized a festive reception in front of the famous Moorish hilltop castle in the historic center of Lisbon. Neste início de outubro de Lisboa, excecionalmente caloroso e ensolarado, a delegação internacional do clube Harvard juntou-se para a sua reunião anual de antigos alunos. Esta, neste ano, teve lugar na tarde de sábado no castelo de São Jorge. Para dar as boas vindas aos cerca de 80 líderes...

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